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Notorious (1946)

Ingrid Bergman - Notorious (1946)
Ingrid Bergman - Notorious (1946)

Notorious used to be my favourite Hitchcock film until multiple viewings of Shadow of a Doubt pushed the latter into first position.

However, after the enormous disappointment of Spellbound which I also used to like a lot, I approached this with caution just in case it too was a dud. Fortunately, it is still superb - both thrilling and emotionally complex with a couple doing terrible things to themselves and each other due to Alicia’s lack of self esteem and Dexter’s misogyny plus his lack of honesty and trust.

Ingrid Bergman never looked as mesmerising gorgeous as she does here. Her natural beauty is just glorious.

The camera work is superb. Obviously, there is the famous crane shot into the key but many others including my favourite: mother poisons the coffee and the camera follows it being carried over to Alicia.

Ingrid Bergman - Notorious (1946)
Ingrid Bergman - Notorious (1946)

Of course, the obvious thing to do would have been to take Alex into custody to pick his brains when Alicia is rescued but that would mean missing out on his lonely walk back to the house.

Notorious (1946)
Notorious (1946)

Let's Fold Scarves / last build: 2024-07-06 13:49