It's what I am.
Comics update
I have just finished Strangers in Paradise Pocket Books 2 and 3. They sat on a shelf for several weeks until I was ready to read them and I devoured them in two days. They are utterly compelling if a teeny-tiny tad far-fetched. I find it interesting that people who love the books don't mention the Big Six but just talk about the triangle between Katchoo, Francine and David because that is what matters and makes these books such exciting, exhilarating and funny page turners. If I must complain then Francine is Hollywood fat like Renee Zellweger in Bridget Jones's Diary i.e. not.
I have also read Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi which follows the mid-childhood of a girl at the time of the Iranian Revolution. The style is very simple but highly expressive which is not easy when nearly everyone is either dark-haired or wearing a head scarf. The final panel is heartbreaking.
Many reviews compare it with Maus which I think is a bit lazy because it implies that Maus is the only political graphic novel the reviewers have read (or heard of...) which is probably true because it is the only one I had read until Will Eisner's The Plot. Anyway, here is one that doesn't.
Let's Fold Scarves / last build: 2024-04-03 21:27